Before You G.R.O.W. Up
The A Through E's of SEL
Our brilliant educators have always been tasked with instructing our students into academic excellence. Now, they are also being expected to integrate Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills and strategies into the classroom. Although SEL is very much needed in our schools, the community must play a pivotal role as well. Created specifically for high schoolers and undergraduate collegiate aged young men and women, this program can be used as a teaching tool in school districts as well as in the community. Non-profit organizations, church youth and young adult ministries, families, and other entities will benefit from improving our Social and Emotional Learning skills and strategies.
The Instructor’s Guide provides any facilitator with instructions for themselves as well as for the students. There are answer keys, facilitators notes, and opportunities for self-work. The Class Workbook is designed with additional writing space for participants to utilize hand-brain connection strategies to develop concepts and skills more deeply and effectively. Each participant should have their own class workbook.
Because Social and Emotional Learning is not just for children, adults are encouraged to participate as well. The competencies designed to be met by students need also be met by parents, grandparents, ministry leaders, educators, officers of the court, officers of the law, political officials, and the like. Many adults in our current culture and society have aged but not matured. We left grade school, but it did not leave us. We did not Graduate Ready to Occupy the World. SEL is designed to grow us up socially and emotionally. This curriculum challenges you to become proficient in your skills and strategies Before You G.R.O.W. Up.
Before You Blow Up
7 Essential Questions to Mentally Prepare Influencers for Your Platform
Welcome to the life of an influencer where not only is your product on display, but so are you! You’re excited to let potential followers in on what you know, sell your own products and services, sell someone else’s products or services, operate in your gifts, and monetize your message. You’re ready for the bright lights on the field, the court, the stage, the pulpit, the big screen, the small screen, or wherever your followers may be. But are you prepared for the downside of your platform?
Have you considered that we live in a society where a mass shooter gets more sympathy for an alleged and assumed mental illness than an Olympic athlete who chooses not to injure herself due to a confirmed mental health challenge? This suggests that no matter how influential you are or become if you should ever find yourself in an emotionally or mentally vulnerable position, those same people who loved you the day before could turn on you the next.
After many years of working with influencers on the back end of their trauma, Soneakqua White has made it her mission to get in front of the train. She walks you through 7 essential questions to answer in order to ensure your mind and emotions are prepared for your platform. You may have been more focused on gaining your influence than sustaining it and that’s not uncommon.
This book prepares you for both! Discover how to
Recognize your vulnerable spots and how to protect them.
Discern who and how much you can trust on your journey.
Operate on and off your platform with excellence.
Serve others well without compromising yourself.
Forget what the culture says you should do to be liked. Focus on your assignment and walk it out to completion. There is so much you will have to give up in order to have the influence you want, but your mental health cannot be a part of the deal.
Before You Blow Up on your platform or completely blow up your platform, start doing your mental prep work today!
Coaching the Called
4 Mindset Shifting Strategies Every Faith-filled Influencer Needs to Operate on Your Platform with Excellence
Do you have a calling on your life? Of course, you do! A better question might be whether you know what your calling is. Better still, are you walking in it? Whether you’re a creative artist, an athlete, a minister of the gospel, or a social media influencer, you’ve been gifted and called for a purpose. Maybe you’re a parent, a teacher, a doctor, an entrepreneur, or a business executive. You’re not off the hook. Any gift you have comes from God and it is to be used to serve others for His purpose.
This is not an easy task because the world we live in does not share this mindset. To operate in this manner will put you under attack mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and possibly physically. You must be prepared to protect your peace, guard your mind, your heart, and your gifts. Position yourself to fulfill your calling and assist others in doing the same. Getting caught unprepared is not an option.
After many years of working with influencers on the back end of their trauma, Soneakqua White has made it her mission to get in front of the train. She walks you through pieces of her personal story as she challenges you with 4 mindset shifting strategies every faith-filled influencer needs to operate both on and off your platform with excellence. While gaining the life you want may not elude you, maintaining and using it for good will come with a heavy price.
This book helps you devise a plan for success! Discover how to
· Prepare for your calling and operate in your gifts with excellence.
· Align with your assignment.
· Build sustainable mental strength for the journey.
· Serve others well without compromising yourself.
You’ve been called. Have you been chosen? The choice is yours. Do you have the courage to use what you’ve been given to honor God? Start building the mental strength you need today and then join the movement of Coaching the Called!
Red Flags!
Do You Know When You're Being Played?
There are people in this world who mean to do us harm. Some of them play on our emotions and some of them just flat out take what they want no matter how it makes us feel. Have you ever looked back on a situation and wondered how you missed the warning signs? You say to yourself “I got played!” Did you get played by a person or were you played by your own mind? How did that happen? Hindsight is 20/20, but what if you could see it coming. What if you could keep a loved one from walking into a living nightmare? Would you do it?
This book helps you break down real-life examples of manipulation and abuse that people fall prey to. Then it goes even deeper into the triggers that can be experienced after the trauma has taken place. Most importantly, it gives you options of how to recognize, avoid and/or deal with the circumstances.
It is impossible to catch every Red Flag! because we want to see the good in others. Often times, we ignore the things we need to take heed to because we just do not want to it to be the case. After all, no one would intentionally hurt you…would they? Doesn’t everyone deserve a second chance? While there are certainly opportunities to allow for mistakes, there are some things where a simple “I’m sorry” just will not suffice. Set your boundaries and keep a watchful eye. Know it when you see it and call it what it is…a Red Flag!
Writing Is Life
There’s nothing like having someone to talk to who will not judge or tell your secrets. Hopefully you have a friend who can be that for you. If not, there’s always therapy. But, there will be those times when you cannot reach either of them. When that happens you can reach for your journal! Writing out your thoughts and feelings can be a useful tool to ease symptoms of stress, tension, anxiety and depression. It can also aid in helping with effective communication with your therapist, friends and family. However, if you’re unsure of what to say or how to begin, journaling can be difficult. So, here’s your journal helpmate!
This book includes 200 prompts to choose from. Some days will be easier than others for you to get what’s in your head onto your paper. On those days, just jump right in and start writing. In those moments where you get stuck, just crack open your book and pick-a-prompt! This is in no way a replacement for talking things out, but it is an excellent positive coping mechanism to adopt. If reading is fundamental then Writing is Life!
A Time to Heal
Arlene Cameron never wanted kids, yet she gave birth to four. Who does that? The government handing out checks per child must have made those labor pains a little easier. She was a Christian woman who treated her children like the enemy. Could attempted murder, abuse, neglect, and mental illness all happen in one family? Why, yes . . . yes, it could. Because in Arlene's family, that's exactly what happened! However, when she found Jesus for real, she decided she needed to make things right with them.
But it was too late. They hated her! Well, not Jesus, just the kids. She wanted a family reunion with children who didn't feel they had a family. She would have to create one in order to reunite it. Her youngest ran away at seventeen never to return. Her only son just wants to know who he is. Her oldest wants answers, and her prized child has a secret that everyone knows but her!
Pain caused by jealousy, deceit, and betrayal had torn them apart, and the one person who could bring them back together is missing. It is known that there is a time for everything. Arlene had already used up her time to tear down and to kill when she destroyed her family. Now, however delusional it might be, she's hoping it will be a time to build up and "a time to heal."
Compassionate Children
Cultivating True Forgiveness of a Flawed Parent
This book is designed to help you deal with a parent who makes it difficult for you to care for and/or care about them. If you have ever asked yourself "why does my mother treat me the way she does" this book is for you. If you have found yourself wanting to scream out "Help! My dad doesn't like me" this book is for you. If you spent the majority of your life trying to make your parents proud of you or just trying to survive being raised by them and you still have not succeeded...this book is for you. You will learn how to love yourself even though they didn't like you. You will learn to stop compromising your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health to get someone to love you who does not acknowledge your effort. Take your power out of their hands and live!
Working Through Mommy Issues
Loving Yourself Even Though She Didn't Like You
This book is designed to help you deal with a mother who makes it difficult for you to care for and/or care about her. If you have ever asked yourself "why does my mother treat me the way she does" this book is for you. If you have found yourself wanting to scream out "Help! My mom doesn't like me" this book is for you. If you spent the majority of your life trying to make your mother proud of you or just trying to survive being raised by her and you still have not succeeded, this book is for you. You will learn how to love yourself even though she didn't like you. You will learn to stop compromising your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health to get someone to love you who does not acknowledge your effort. Take your power out of her hands and live!
Chicken Soup For The Soul
Angels All Around
Check out Author Soneakqua J. White's feature in Chicken Soup For The Soul. The stories within this book are true personal stories of angels, miracles, answered prayers, and divine intervention will deepen your faith and open your eyes to the angels, guardians, and guides in your life.
Miracles happen every day to people from all walks of life. And angels are all around if we are open to seeing them and accepting their help. You’ll be inspired, awed and comforted by these 101 stories from ordinary people who’ve had extraordinary experiences, including:
The young family caught in a snowstorm who were rescued by a man named David and hosted in his cabin—who learned afterwards that David and his family had died three years earlier on the same highway they were stuck on
The widow who had been making snow angels with her husband for decades and then found two perfect ones in the fresh snow by his memorial bench one wintry morning—with no footprints leading to them
The daughter whose dying mother promised to send flowers, who returned from the funeral to find her mom’s almost dead Christmas cacti had blossomed, covering an entire room with flowers
The mother who saw her husband hoisting their little girl by one arm from a lake she’d fallen into, but didn’t see the man her husband says was holding the girl’s other arm
The notoriously grumpy old man in a nursing home who spent a whole day happily saying goodbye to everyone and thanking them because an angel told him, correctly, it would be his last day on earth
The teenager working in a hotel kitchen who was pushed away by an invisible force while standing in a group of people, and just missed being hit by a large piece of equipment that fell right where she’d been standing